
Study the greats and become greater.

– Michael Jackson

12 Years A Slave (2013)

12 Years A Slave (2013), directed by Steve McQueen, starring Chiwetel Ejiofor (Solomon), Michael Fassbender (Epps), Lupita Nyong’o (Patsey) and a whole host of other big names, tells the story of a musician and free man kidnapped into slavery. The first time I watched this film many years ago, I was very moved by the…

The Hustle (2019

The Hustle (2019), directed by Chris Addison, starring Rebel Wilson (Penny) and Anne Hathaway (Josephine) tells the comedic story of an amateur con-artist pairing up with a professional. Comedy is one of my least favourite genres, but somehow it’s more bearable when Rebel Wilson is involved. I know, I know, many people aren’t too fond…

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